How to Join or Renew?


New Members
Members' Entitlements

Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December.

We hope you are interested in joining the International Turaco Society.

We are always pleased to welcome new members - as well as articles about turacos for publication in our magazine, or on this website.

If you join during the year you will immediately receive any magazines that have already been issued during that year.

As a member of the International Turaco Society, you would receive a twice-yearly magazine, in the Spring and the Autumn, or Summer and Winter. If you are a pdf member, you will be sent an email with a link to download the pdf, which you can then save on your device.

You would be able to pursue your interest in these wonderful birds by meeting fellow enthusiasts at our regular meetings and organised visits.

You would be able to advertise turacos for sale and wanted, free of charge here.

You would have access to the 'Members' section of this website.

Subscription Rates - £15 (£10 for pdf members)
So how do I join or renew?

Annual subscription is £15 for both UK or overseas members. Your magazines will be posted to you. However, if you would prefer to receive your magazine as a pdf via an e-mail link, then your membership subscription is reduced to £10. You will need to ensure that we have an up-to-date e-mail address for you.

Subscriptions are due for renewal on 1st January each year. If you join very late in the year your membership can be started from the beginning of the following year, if you wish.

Real-time currency converter:

There are three ways you can join or renew:

  1. Click here to bring up an application / renewal form. This can be printed out and sent to the address shown on the form together with your e-mail consent form here (you only need to print and return the second page) and your payment.
    The email consent form can be completed and submitted online here.
  2. Click here to apply / renew on line and post your payment or make a bank payment.
  3. Click here to apply / renew on line and pay on line via PayPal.

Please note that it is better for the I.T.S. if U.K. members pay by bank transfer (details) or by cheque as we then benefit from the full amount, rather than paying via PayPal, who deduct their cut. Please post cheques to: I.T.S., Walnut Tree Cottage, Popes Hill, Newnham, Glos., GL14 1LD.

Contact ITS Secretary
E-mail: Louise Peat

Web site designs and images copyright © 2025 International Turaco Society